The ASA of the UK Bans a Bingo Ad
It is a fact that the internet bingo market has become a very lucrative one to say the very least. This is why the popularity of online bingo is spreading like wild fire in the UK and in the continent of Europe. This is why if you live in the UK, whenever you are trying to watch TV, there is a big chance to see one or two bingo advertisements that offer the promotions of the different operators during the ad breaks between TV shows and programs. This is why the ASA (Advertising Standards agency) of the United Kingdom has to be very careful and to review all of these ads.
The latest ad that you will not be seeing any time soon on the TV of the UK belongs to Vernon’s Bingo. This is because the ASA has decided to ban the commercial in order to protect the players form misleading and unauthentic commercials. The ASA has claimed that the ad was misleading and that it was only a tool in order to lure more people into the site.
The reports have shows that the ad was very confusing for the customer as it frequently changed and altered the surrounding conditions and terms of the free bingo promotions that it was promoting.